Special App Configuration

To change the location of the R packages, perform the steps below:

IMPORTANT: do NOT follow the steps below working on RDS! This might end up in exceeding the allowed size of your profile!!!

  1. In an appropriate location of your choice (e.g. your Documents folder), create a folder and name it e.g. R3Libs.
  2. Start R
  3. Click File/New Script
  4. Enter this line:
    You have to replace pathtofolder with the path to the folder that you created in step 1.
  5. IMPORTANT: in the path you have to replace all \ by \\ . The resulting path could look like this:
  6. Click File/Save
  7. The Save dialog appears. Navigate to your Documents folder
  8. In the "Save as type" dropdown list, choose "All files (*.*)"
  9. In the "File name" field, enter
    (It is essential that the file is save on your Documents folder, and the file name MUST start with a period.)
  10. Click "Save"
  11. Restart R and check if the new path has been applied by entering .libPaths()
  12. Install an R package and check that it is saved to the folder you specified in step 1 and 4.

If you want to change the location of R packages later on, edit the .Rprofile file using Notepad. You might have to check the "Hidden items" in the View settings of explorer to see the file.

To use Zotero with Word, you have to copy a file to your profile once. Please follow these steps:
- Open a file explorer and navigate to this location: %appdata%\Microsoft\Word
- If there is no folder named “STARTUP”, create it
- Download this file DownloadZotero.dotm (DOTM, 44 KB)
- Save the downloaded file “Zotero.dotm” to the STARTUP folder
- Run Zotero
- Run Word. You should find now a tab named Zotero


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