Personal Website

The ISG hosts web servers, where you can have e.g. a special group homepage or a private personal homepage. You have to create these pages yourself, and there exists no default web page. For technical details about creating or editing these pages, contact your IK.

Note: If you want to host a homepage for a special purpose, you might want to have an according separate web address. To do this, contact your IK.

The web address to your personal private homepage has the syntax (Of course you have to replace "username" with your username...):

To create or edit the web pages, you can mount the according server share. The paths to the server storage can be found here:

Note: The data on these web servers are secured by Netbackup.

Web pages protection with .htaccess

How to allow/deny access for users

1. Create a file named .htaccess with the following content (in Windows, use notepad, and save file as .htaccess):

AuthName <Name describing this directory>
AuthType Basic
AuthUserFile <Name and location of file containing usernames and passwords>
require valid-user

2. Create a file containing user names and corresponding passwords. For each user create a line in the form

3. The password can be encrypted e.g. at external pageSmartwebdesign.

4. Save the file as you defined it in the .htaccess file (step 1).
5. Send a mail to the ISG asking to enable .htaccess on the directory to be protected


Protecting a directory containing images, located at the top level of the ISG web site. The names and passwords of users allowed to access are in the file .htpasswd in the same directory.

The .htaccess file:

AuthName "Secret Images"
AuthType Basic
AuthUserFile /home/w3isg/homepage/.htpasswd
require valid-user

The .htpasswd file:


How to allow/deny access for IP range

1. Create a file .htaccess in the directory (in Windows, use notepad, and save file as .htaccess):

Order deny,allow
deny from all
allow from

2. Send a mail to the isg asking to enable .htaccess on the directory to be protected


Order deny,allow
deny from all
allow from 129.132 192.33.88

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