Webpublic (Datasharing)

The ISG D-HEST provides a web server where you can easily put data to and distribute the download links to the people of interest. Below, you can find the step-by-step instructions.

PLEASE NOTE: This method may not be used if the distributed data is in any way confidential!

  1. Map the according network resource of the web server, using the following path:
    in Windows: \\green-web.ethz.ch\webpublic
    in MacOSX: smb://green-web.ethz.ch/webpublic
  2. Important: Choose an easy filename since it will be used in the download link.
  3. If you have more than 1 file to distribute, combine all files in one .zip file.
  4. Upload your data (or .zip file) to the now connected network drive.
  5. The data can now be downloaded using the web address http://download.hest.ethz.ch/<exactfilename>. (replace <exactfilename> by the exact file name! Do not use space or special characters!!!). Communicate the download link to the people of interest.

PLEASE NOTE: the uploaded file and the download possibility will be automatically deleted after 2 days! Of course, you are free to delete it earlier...

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