Paths in Linux

(If you do not know how to connect to a network drive from home under Linux, please read the according step-by-step procedure. During this procedure, you will need to know the path to the network resource. These paths are given below.)

The paths are to use without linebreaks.


Path to T-Drive



Replace the username with your nethz-username.

Example. Username: testuser


Path to Homedrive for Students


Replace the Star (*) with the first letter of you username. Replace username with your nethz-username.


Path to the Public-Drive from the Groups


Replace the Star (*) with your groupshort.

Example: Your groupshort is "isg". So your path will be smb://

Path to the Temp-Drive for the whole Department


The Temp-Share is a Netzwork-Storage and can be used to save data temporarly or share it with others in the department.

The Temp-Share is no long time storage! Saved data should be removed, if no longer needed.

Every month (usually on the 12th) all data is deleted, if not changed for the last two weeks.

Important: if you Copy date the change-date is not changed. If you move data to the Temp, which wasnt changed in the last two months it will for sure be deleted on the next cleanup!

Path to your personal Website


Here you don't have to specify a specific username. You will be redirected to the proper website automatically.

Path to the temporary Webserver


Data in this folder will automatically be deleted after 2 days.

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